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STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Science of Sport uses STEM to expose teachers to new ways of teaching and students to interesting career opportunities. Volunteers may work with these teachers and students by focusing on activities involving STEM curriculum and sports activities. In addition to workshops, after school programs and field trips, Science of Sport provides summer camps and offers curriculumn development. Volunteers help us carry out our mission from the site level. Find out how you can help us at a local level. Volunteering just one or two hours a week can make a tremendous difference in the life of a teacher or student.
By partnering with professional sports teams, STEM organizations and education advocates, Science of Sport offers teachers and students equitable STEM learning programs, workshops, field trips, summer camps and more throughout the United States. From program leaders to curriculumn developers, there are countless opportunities to make an impact on the next generation and expose them to a career in STEM. Science of Sport is both humbled and fortunate to be actively growing our team during this time as we continue our mission of bringing STEM to life through sports.